
This app is a chemistry quiz app which tests your knowledge on different chemistry topics. It is aimed at students studying chemistry at a high school level, specifically Higher and A Level chemistry. It is available in 3 different languages: English, Italian and Spanish, and has a rating on the app store of 3.1/5 based on 13 reviews. 

User Interface – 0.75/1 

  • The graphics in the app are good, and from what we can see of the app so far, it doesn’t crash or reset mid quiz. The colour scheme is basic, which cheapens the overall look of the app, but the information is presented well and is easy to read and locate. 

In-App Purchases – 0.5/1 

  • The app is free and contains over 70 different topics to study from, but for £2.49 you can buy the full version and study from over 120 different topics, quiz yourself with interactive multiple-choice questions and you can look through step by step solved examples. 

Accuracy – 1/1 

  • All the information provided on the app about each of the individual subtopics appears to be accurate from what we’ve seen so far. All equations are balanced equally, all diagrams are correct, and all definitions are right. 

Scope – 0.75/1 

  • It covers a relatively good range of chemistry from chemical equilibrium to chemical bonds and gives you definitions of different chemistry terms and then quizzes you on those definitions. 

Platform Accessibility – 1/1 

  • The app is available on all platforms (IOS for iPhone/iPad, MacBook and Android). 



