HandyChem is a reference application where users can use the search engine to find SDS data, use the molar mass calculator, access equation sheets, metric prefixes, and solubility data. The app also features an elements page where data regarding each element is found. The UI is pure and simple, has no ads, SDS data can be copied directly from the app, and is completely free. Downsides of this app is that the links to common ions and solubility data sheets are disabled and no longer work, chemical abbreviations don’t work, e.g., THF showed no results. Iphone, Ipad, mac compatible
User Interface
Smooth, seamless, and simple Grade 1/1
In-App purchases
Completely free to use. Grade 1/1
Cross referencing shows application is accurate. Grade 1/1
Could maybe do with some additional advanced features but the features contained are well implemented. Grade 0.7/1
Platform accessibility
Available on all Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android devices Grade 1/1
Total: 4.7 / 5
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